|Don't buy something simply because of a great price. If it does not flatter you, it is actually a bad deal. You'll end up donating it and that's just flushing cash down the toilet.
Comment Link|It is not important to be perfect when fashion is involved. Firstly, there is no such thing as perfection in this world. Also, if you try too hard, you may look uptight. Disheveled looks with messy hair, non-matching shoes, or not completely buttoned pieces like those of Kate Moss can look great.
Comment Link|Have frizzy hair? Use conditioners and shampoos that moisturize. This will put a protective layer over the cuticle of your hair, keeping it from taking in too much moisture. Do not use any products that have any volumizing properties in them.
Comment Link}{Don't follow a trend just because it's "in." What looks amazing for a runway model might not look great on you. Follow your tastes, not whatever flavor is popular in the most recent fashion magazine. You are going to want to go with your gut on this. You won't be led down the wrong path.
Comment Link|Spend your fashion money on basics. Buy pieces that complement each other and are timeless. Start with the classic look of a black pencil skirt and give it the look of today with a trend top or jacket.
Comment Link|A great looking purse can complement your outfit, but make sure it goes with whatever other bag you are carrying. If you have a briefcase, you want it to match your purse. You should also never carry around more than two types of bags.
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